Othniel Rockland, or "Otto" as we call him....or "Toot" as he sometimes misspells it...is growing up. Kindergarten will be here in the fall. His first tooth was lost recently followed almost immediately by a second. Both bottom front teeth which now has this adorable boy speaking words in the most fantastically humorous way.
All three boys love being in the kitchen with mama. Otto included. He gets bored easily though so quick tasks with prep work already out of the way lend to his finer moments as sous chef.
Here in Ohio, summer is here. My raised bed gardens are in full swing, cabbage and cauliflower, peppers and basil, kale and tomatoes coming in to their own. Next week the second bed will be planted with peppers and butter lettuces, hot peppers and even more tomato varieties.
One of my favorite ways to bring summer to the dinner table is with a tart. Tarts make my world go round. I think I first fell in love after discovering Jerome Audureau's cookbook, Once Upon a Tart over a decade ago. Last spring Canaan and I visited the Greenwich Village bakery for....well tarts, of course. They were divine...but you know what? Tarts from my kitchen taste just as good. And the ones from your kitchen will as well. Because tarts are just that forgiving and rewarding.
This one was an evolutionary process. A bit of this, a bit of that and (thankfully) the end result was Greenwich Village bakery worthy.
Otto’s Roasted Tomato Tart
Adapted from Once Upon a Tart • Art of Homemaking: homemaking101.com
Tart Crust
2.5C Unbleached AP Flour
3T Cornmeal
1t Salt
12T Cold Unsalted Butter
3T Chilled Vegetable Shortening
Tart Filling and Topping
2T Grainy Dijon Mustard
8oz Gruyere cheese, grated
1/2C Shallots, caramelized
2 T Fresh Basil
2 Eggs
1 slice Rustic White Bread
Several thinly sliced, ripe tomatoes, baked in the oven.
For two tarts, divide dough in half and wrap each in plastic wrap, and press each with palm of your hand into disks. For one tart, wrap in plastic and shape into one large disk. Refrigerate at least 30 minutes before rolling out. (I made several mini tarts instead.)
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Roll out dough into two 9-inch disks or one 10-by-16-inch rectangle 1/8-inch thick. Transfer to a baking sheet and crimp edges 1/2-inch high. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Prick all over with fork. Place parchment paper or foil on top and weigh down with pie weights or dried beans. Bake 10 to 15 minutes. Remove paper or foil and weights from dough, and continue to bake another 5 minutes until dried slightly on top. Remove from oven and set aside to cool; do not turn off oven.
For topping: Spread mustard thinly over bottom of cooled shell. Sprinkle caramelized onions on top of the mustard. Scatter evenly with cheese. Whisk eggs and pour a thin layer over the cheese. Arrange tomatoes in even, slightly overlapping rows. Sprinkle with basil, season to taste with pepper and top with bread crumbs. Bake until the egg sets and the tart begins to brown and bubble. Approx. 20 minutes. Sprinkle with salt, and serve hot or at room temperature.