#1 this post has taken so long to actually come together
#2 I've hesitated sitting down to write it
But I think I now know why. Bear with me as I work my way backwards.
I love this blog which means I will never close its doors. Its my true north. It keeps me grounded to everything that is real and true and pure and good in my life. It keeps me in touch with what really matters at the end of the day; home. No...not my house. HOME. The pattering feet, the feel of cold dough between my fingers, the late night chats on the couch with the Mr., the afternoons in the backyard. Which means, I need to get my act together and start sharing some more goodness from the home, shouldn't I?
There's been some long periods of silence in recent months. I know. It isn't that I haven't thought endlessly about sharing the new recipes I'm trying, the crafty little projects I still find time for or the fun dinner parties we still make time to host. Its just that...well, I started a magazine. And boy-oh-boy....if no one has ever told you, those sorts of things are real time suckers!
The magazine is here. In print form. All 100 pages of it. Right next to me as I type this, in fact. Let me officially introduce you to CAKE&WHISKEY; the Sweet & Spirited World of Business.
Most of my longtime readers and dear friends know how much I adore business. Dreaming them up, starting them, launching them, growing them..... its the biggest surge of energy and creative boost for this churning mind of mine. C&W is the culmination of lots of years of business experience, freelance writing, making connections, reaching for goals and taking bigger and bigger leaps.
I really can't believe its here. I can't believe the journey that we have been on to get it here. I can't believe the amazing amount of support and love and work that went into it from around the globe. I can't believe the amount of interest its generated over the course of the past few months and I certainly can't believe the little idea that was sparked literally while baking a cake in my kitchen, actually came to fruition.
I would love for you to pick up a copy. Easiest way, here in our early days, is through the online shop. If you're local, you can grab one at a bookstore nearby. With each issue the reach will grow and we'll be fully global by fall. Crazy.
I'd love for you to "like" us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
Also, I'd love to know about any amazing stories of businesswomen (both corporate and entrepreneurial) that you'd want to put on our radar.
And if you'd like to see a sneak peak of the first issue....
So with all of that said, lets go back to the beginning of this post. Art of Homemaking is my truest passion and love and I can't wait to pour into it for years to come. Thank you for hanging in there with me as the cycle of life has pulled me away for a bit. I'm back. xoxo