The Smith Homestead typically runs on slow-mo time...some might even call it boring. For us, its perfect.
Life recently, though, has taken a turn towards the fast lane and we're trying ever-so-hard to preserve the quietness that we adore and cherish.
That, up there, is a little token of remembrance from my first trip to NYC a few weeks ago. It cost a little over $3 at a kitchy little shop near Times Square. It sits on the cedar shelf by my stove~ next to the cookbook from a friend and our antique shaker. NY was a whirlwind and albeit great in every way...I couldn't wait to get back home.
In a couple of weeks a project that has been in the works for a little over 6 months will officially launch. I've shared a bit about it here and there...but next week I'll share the full scope of the uncharted waters we're heading into. Exciting and equally terrifying.
Although my posts are a bit more infrequent, it won't be so for long. I'm still busy in the kitchen, creating lovely things for family and friends and can't wait to dive back into my first creative love, The Art of Homemaking.