The pig...he's my favorite. In fact, he was the one non negotiable that just had to make it out of the shop and into my car for the drive home. Who can have a bad day when seeing a porcelain piggy bank on top of the espresso machine each morning?
This post isn't the first time I've talked about my favorite shop~ tucked deep in the Appalachian mountains of eastern Kentucky. Delana's Little Shoppe is literally a little slice of heaven on earth. I was a lucky girl this time around because Delana kept the lights on for me on a recent weekend road trip.
I really wish I could just bring my sleeping bag and settle in for a few hours on the floor~ digging through buckets of old buttons and notions, perusing stacks of old magazines and cookbooks, trying on piles of costume jewelry, and moving through mounds of old plates, bowls and knick knacks.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure Delana would be up for a shop sleepover, so I try to cram as much treasure hunting in as I can when I am afforded the opportunity to stop by.
I drove off with a bag full of goodies~ a Christmas gift from my dear mother-in-law. I have my eye on a few more things that wouldn't fit in the back of a Subaru....in fact, my fingers are crossed that the big, rustic green hutch sticks around that shop for just a few more months~