Ezra is a Renaissance man if ever there was one. He'll turn 6 soon. In just a few short weeks, in fact. I keep telling the boys to slow it down on this aging thing, but they aren't listening.
Kindergarten has been great for our Ez. His teacher is out-of-this-world perfect for him. The balance of sweet and spunky that Ezra find comradery with. Kindergarten holds really fond memories for me and I know, without a doubt, he will have the same.
Ez has always loved soccer. Last weekend, on the drive home from another great game he told us he love to play soccer because he was born to play it. Seeing this kid in action on the field, I'm getting the sneaking suspicion he might be right. And more power to him. I wish, at 33, I knew what I was born to do.
And let me just tell you a bit about our ladies man. A very respectful, sweet ladies man, of course. No teasing or sending girls home crying to their moms~ he has the fine art of wooing the girls down to an art.
This photo, snapped by my uber amazing and uber pregnant-with-twins friend (how she was able to squat down to take photographs is beyond me) was taken a couple of months ago in our backyard. Go check out her site ~ her work is swoon-worthy.
In June he will be 6. Any fun birthday party ideas out there? I am always on the hunt for some unique (but not over-the-top) party suggestions and Lord knows, this year I am falling just a little behind on this whole birthday party thing.
Kindergarten has been great for our Ez. His teacher is out-of-this-world perfect for him. The balance of sweet and spunky that Ezra find comradery with. Kindergarten holds really fond memories for me and I know, without a doubt, he will have the same.
Ez has always loved soccer. Last weekend, on the drive home from another great game he told us he love to play soccer because he was born to play it. Seeing this kid in action on the field, I'm getting the sneaking suspicion he might be right. And more power to him. I wish, at 33, I knew what I was born to do.
And let me just tell you a bit about our ladies man. A very respectful, sweet ladies man, of course. No teasing or sending girls home crying to their moms~ he has the fine art of wooing the girls down to an art.
This photo, snapped by my uber amazing and uber pregnant-with-twins friend (how she was able to squat down to take photographs is beyond me) was taken a couple of months ago in our backyard. Go check out her site ~ her work is swoon-worthy.
In June he will be 6. Any fun birthday party ideas out there? I am always on the hunt for some unique (but not over-the-top) party suggestions and Lord knows, this year I am falling just a little behind on this whole birthday party thing.