We are in an ongoing pancake predicament over here at the Smith Homestead. Pancakes are a staple in the Saturday morning diet of these growing boys and even with years of Saturday morning pancake-ing under our belt, we are on an ongoing quest for that perfect pancake recipe.
A cry for help on Facebook led me to this site, thanks to my friend Stella over at BraveTart (yes, that Stella. One of Food and Wine's best new pastry chefs...she's pretty remarkable.)
**and so many of those beautiful images on BraveTart's site are photographed by Sarah Jane that I talked about yesterday. Go over and swoon...
I had Stella's recipe suggestion sitting on one of those back brain burners for weeks and finally set aside the 2 minutes required to print it off last Saturday morning. The recipe is good...really good. Is it IHOP good? Maybe not. But any pancake that is flipped on a griddle while you drink cheap coffee at a Formica table and comes out served with pats of prepackaged butter is probably going to taste just a little better than homemade. Go ahead, agree. It's ok.
Find the recipe over at Serious Eats, but before you go...