Most bookshops have good magazine sections. Our local bookshop has an outstanding one. Its on those shelves that I find a ton of crafty inspiration, read a ton of gossip news (just being real here, people) and discover new magazines on the market.
A few months ago I discovered Mingle Magazine. It is published by Stampington and Company, which published a slew of fantastic publications like Where Women Cook and Stuffed.

Anytime I have the opportunity to write for a publication, locally or nationally, I feel so honored and blessed. This publication is like icing on my freelance writing cake. This was my "goal" magazine. When I bought that first issue months ago I told Mike, "one day I am going to have an article in here".
The more you read this blog, the more you'll learn~ I am a goal setter and a goal reacher. In fact, I fervently believe that we can and SHOULD set and reach goals in life. I have written some posts about this here and here and a few others touch on the subject under the "creating home" tab up top. What goals are you setting? This week? This month? I have lists of them. 3 month, 6 month, 12 month, 5 year...It keeps me inspired, motivated and a more engaged mother, wife and friend.
Today I am giving away a brand spankin' new copy of Mingle. It just hit the shelves yesterday!
I'll include some other little goodies in the package with the magazine too...
Comments close on Monday at 9pm EST
1. Leave a comment here on the blog and share what entertaining you hope to do this spring.
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3. Share the giveaway on FB or Twitter and leave a third comment.
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