Telling someone you love miss them...or you long to be with them is something really meaningful. And stitching those words for that special someone to tuck into their pillowcase is the perfect way to make sure they know it everyday.
Valentines Day is just around the corner but this project is obviously something that can be done anytime of year, for any occasion. And it need not be only for lovers. I think stitching a special note to a child would be really amazing as well.
This tutorial is not how to embroider. If you don't know how to do basic embroidery, this website gives a great basic lesson.
Click below for the full tutorial~
Hand Stitched Love Note
What You'll Need
Transfer Paper (only if you want to print lettering. Otherwise you can just hand write on the fabric)
Fabric (I have chosen linen because it is timeless and beautiful. You could use any solid colored cotton fabric though.)
Embroidery Hoop (a 7" hoop should work just fine)
Embroidery Thread
1. Decide what you want to say and how you want it to look. I have terrible handwriting so I chose to print what I wanted to say in a special font. My words measure 4" across and 1/2 inch tall. If you decide to print lettering, head to step #2. If you are hand write the lettering, use a pencil and write directly onto the fabric and skip to step #3.
2. Using the transfer paper, you will now copy the printed lettering to the fabric. Layer things this way:
Fabric on the bottom (right side up)
Transfer paper on top of the fabric (darker side of the paper facing down)
Printed letter paper on top of the transfer paper, lettering facing you
Using a slightly dull pencil (too sharp and it will pierce through), press ever-so-hard as you trace the lettering. You will do this several times over to ensure the transfer paper is actually transferring the lettering to the fabric. Check to be sure.
The lettering will be faint. You want that. You don't want to see heavy pencil marks in the end result. You just want it to show up enough that you can know where to stitch.
3. Stretch the fabric onto the embroidery hoop. Don't pull it super tight. Just enough for it to be firm and have a bounce if you tap your fingers on it.
4. Begin embroidering the lettering. I use 3 strands of thread for this, instead of the full 6. Again, if this is your first time, its totally doable (easy, in fact) just practice a bit first.
5. When you are finished embroidering, essentially you are done! Remove the fabric from the embroidery hoop and cut around the lettering, leaving a generous amount of room. My finished size was 5 inches by 3 inches.
6. If you wanted you could use the sewing machine (or hand stitch) around the perimeter of the fabric to ensure it won't fray over time. This isn't a necessary step, but one you are welcome to take.
7. Now go tuck this little note inside the pillowcase of someone you love.