But since that fateful day in May 2010 when the only reason I could find to plop down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn finally ended, I haven't given much attention to following a show on TV.
Until recently.
I stumbled across it on accident really. It was Thursday night and Mike had headed to bed early. I crawled on the couch, covered up with a quilt and settled in for some channel surfing. I am an avid fan of PBS, especially any BBC broadcasts (Miss Marple, anyone?) and that night, at that appointed time of my TV surfing, a Masterpiece Classic was just starting. Let me stop here to say, I love Masterpiece Mystery; Poirot and Marple, they are common names in our house. But the Masterpiece Classics haven't really been my thing.
Again, until recently.
Until Downton Abbey.
I feel crazy even blogging about a TV Show but I have to just ask; are any of you loving this show? I thought I might be the only one but I am quickly learning I am not. This morning I was driving in the car, listening to one of my favorite Saturday morning shows, Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me and they made a witty reference to it. Then tonight my husband was watching one of his favorite shows, Chuck, (I promise we really don't watch that much TV. I am kind of squeezing all of our TV watching habits into this post) and they referenced Downton Abbey as well!
So I gotta ask. Do I have a witness? Isn't this one of the best shows to come around in a while? I am giddy with delight that there is already a Season 3 in production. And a Christmas Special I need to watch on You Tube someday. And I am lucky enough to have a fantastic husband who not only watches it with me each week, but I think secretly anticipates it as well.