19 January 2012

20 days into 2012

I'm not sure how well 2012 has been treating you, but over this way, it has been a doozy. Some sickness, some stress, some heartbreak, some really heavy stuff actually.
It can't be all rainbows and sunshine all of the time, I suppose.

One bright spot in these first 20 days of the new year has been the reminder of the gentle love and comfort of good friends. Sometimes when things are going well and life has no hiccups, friends are just icing on the cake. But in times of struggle, disappointment or longing, a good friend is nourishment to the soul.
I am sure you have seen that quote above before. I love it because this has been my experience in life. I have a small handful of these friends. Friends that call me after a long day of work just to touch base and say hello. Friends that offer me chocolates everytime I walk through their door and have a pot of hot water for tea waiting. Friends that plop on my couch for an afternoon heart to heart over cups of coffee and yummy thai food. Friends that dance to Rhianna and Sean Kingston with me till the wee hours of the morning in my living room. Friends that encourage me, cry with me, inspire me and help me pull up those boot straps and keep going. I am one blessed girl indeed.
All images via Pinterest