We finally decorated the house...a bit late in the season for us but the trip down South threw us off a bit this year.
After the house was filled with the sounds of Frank Sinatra Christmas, smells of bacon and pancakes and all things were 'merry and bright' and we headed out to one of our favorite holiday events~ the holiday open house at this and this (they are beside each other) amazing place in Lexington.
It was our little entrepreneur's third year handing out delicious samples of his 'mallows and meeting customers. Coffee Times has been an amazing cheerleader of his company from day one~
Here are some pics from the night. These gals (owners, Teri and Kathryne) know how to pull together a store. The window and floor displays in both the coffee house and vintage shop are down right gorgeous.
And aside from giving Barney's in NYC a run for their money in the decorating department, these gals are incredible businesswomen. Teri started Coffee Times 30 years ago...when she was 19!! (Which is pretty hard to believe since she only looks 28.) Teri and Kathryne (who also looks 28, but has 2 grown sons....ummm where is this fountain of youth, ladies??) teamed up to start Street Scene, the vintage store, which carries some really incredible local handmade wares too. I love rubbing shoulders with these smart ladies ~
The day was so festive and of course we are always just continually blown away by Canaan and his business. Which, by the way, will be re-appearing on The Suze Orman Show again on December 17th. His previous segment was chosen as one of her favorites of 2011. Crazy! Amazing!!
**And without further ado...the winner of the adorable Cradle Will Rock dress (according to Random.com) is ....Angie Aflord. Congrats Angie!! Just send me an email (megan@ittysmitty.com) with your contact info and shipping info and I'll get it to you~