1. The Ponytail
2. Little House on the Prairie Braids
3. An actual cute hair style (i.e. lots of blow drying, straightening, curling, etc...)
The latter happens much too infrequently, as can be imagined with 3 boys underfoot. Yet I feel most like a 'woman' and less like a 'mama' with my #3 hairstyle...which is quite necessary once in a while.
This week my hair has undergone a whole transformation thanks to this video. Someone had posted a clip on FB and Ezra and I, while lying on the couch waiting for Otto to wake up from his afternoon nap, watched as this pretty European gal completely revolutionized the future of my hair style.
And I am pretty sure if this works for my hair it will work for any hair. I have the thickest (in the back) thinnest (in the front), frizziest, half/wavy half/straight hair in the world. And it works.
This week I have been going around during the day with my hair rolled up like a 40's pin up girl (sometimes with a little flower broach clip in the front too).
*I am not too fond of my photos being taken...but I am giving in for the sake of demonstration.)
And when its time to hit the town in with Mike and the boys to the library or the grocery store (we live it up here in Lexington) or the occasional late night drinks with girlfriends, I have a slightly sexy~ very grown up hair style. With. No. Effort. At. All.
Revolutionary indeed for this ponytail mama.
...must not be too serious for these final reveal photos ;)