Sweets are a part of our daily lives now. We own a bakery, if you haven't heard, so much of my day is spent mixing, kneading, melting chocolate and baking. On top of baking for the shop, I have been busy developing new cake recipes for a baking publication coming out soon. That required not just baking but taste testing.
What I have found most astonishing during this first month of bakery ownership is the fact that I just don't eat much. I am so busy in the kitchen ( where thanks to food inspector regulations I can't actually EAT anything) that by the time I make it home at 3ish I am famished. But even then I am too tired to cook and just want to hang with the boys...so I don't eat.
All this said, my metabolism has been way out of whack and I am in need of a more disciplined approach to the daily diet. For the next 2 weeks Mike and I are following a strict cleanse diet. We will be eliminating all sugar, grains, flour, alcohol, and milk. The cleanse gives us very specific times to eat, which will be great for us at this point in life.
If we can do it, I declare that we will be the the most disciplined people in the whole world! Working in a bakery yet having the ability to resist the temptation? Wish us luck.