We spent the better part of the weekend outdoors. There was a bit of snow on Friday but by Saturday we were basking in 50 degree temperatures. It was a nice break from marshmallow fluff. We did a bit of yardwork, but most of the time was spent on the hammock wrapped up with the boys in a quilt or taking little walks to the creek beyond our house.
I missed our chickens this weekend. They are no longer with us due to their untimely death at the hands (or rather the teeth) of the neighborhood racoon, remember?
The coop is still here which is a sad reminder of my sweet hens and those yummy eggs they gave.
I would love to buy new chicks this spring but we may hold off another year due to our marshmallow schedule....and our hopes to someday sell our current house for something a bit different.
Anyhow, thats our weekend in a nutshell. Hammocks, sun, quilts and oh, I almost forgot; Ezra's yummy pancakes.