I gathered the rather large pile that has accumulated over the past few months and brought it down to the kitchen island to sort through and order the attack on these little lovelies.
Now it is Thursday and not much has happened. My little Pfaff sewing machine is giving me lots of trouble this week. I have adjusted, cleaned and adjusted again & again every aspect of this machine and yet it leaves me with stitches looking like this. I am beyond frustrated. I have lots of grumblings under my breath (calling my machine not-so-nice names at times), which Mike finds quite amusing. Me, not so much.
In kitchen news I thought I'd share a little tip that is helpful in getting meals made a little quicker. I often add chopped (nearly minced) mushrooms as a base to many soups, chowders, stews and sauces we make. I really don't like mushrooms so much but in minced up bits, added to onion to brown and caramelize, they add a depth of flavor and earthiness to things like wild rice soup or beef stew that I don't get otherwise.
Quite often I find mushrooms on super sale at the grocery store. Last week I found 2 packages of baby bella mushrooms for $.79 a package. I brought them home, cleaned them, pulsed them in the food processor a few times, put them in a mason jar and into the freezer they went ~ ready to use at a moments notice.
Do you have any quick tips to share? I am always up for learning new time saving methods in the kitchen. Oh how I love to cook, but with 3 little ones underfoot, any bit of "help" I can get is invaluable.