A wool tic-tac-toe Game
This was a cinch to make. I had a bunch of scrap wool from various projects that I used to make the boys a reusable tic-tac-toe board. They are crazy about it. i think a knitted one would be fun too, although I have no knitting ability. The great thing about the wool is that I was able to leave the edges raw which was faster and gave it the rustic/woodsy feel I was going for.
A Portrait
K Studio does some amazing art. I have had the site saved in my favorites folder for quite a while now and have contemplated ordering something for our family. Since Mike and I had a "no spend" policy for Christmas this year, I attempted to make him a portrait of us using a freezer paper drawn design painted on linen stretched over a frame. He loved it and it was so much fun to make.
These doughnuts aren't entirely handmade, although we often make them that way. Canaan got this wonderful little doughnut maker from my parents and it makes the most fabulous little cake doughnuts, which he has been spoiling us with almost every morning. I actually prefer these to the hot oil dipped ones we usually make. Sprinkled with a little cinnamon, these gems are a danger to any diet. Beware!