The weather was perfect on Friday night and we just couldn't pass up the chance to get outdoors and enjoy and evening picnic. Canaan and I whisked to the store to grab a few goodies and we all piled in the car for a beautiful 30 minute drive out to Shaker Village.

Google Shaker Village if you've never heard of it...its amazing...one of Martha Stewarts favorite places, in fact. There is a fee to go in the buildings, but its free to just enjoy the grounds~ which is just what we do so often.
Besides the several dozen ducks and Canadian geese already resting on the hillside by the pond, we had the place to ourselves.

We stayed until the sun set. The boys threw the football while Otto and I laid on the quilt savoring every minute of the evening.

Its one of those times that was just impossible to captivate on camera. How can you photograph a perfect experience? Impossible.