It seems every friend's facebook status and every blog I read share's the same are headed back to school. No exception in this house ~ Canaan starts 2nd grade tomorrow and Ezra will start pre-kindergarten in a couple of weeks.
Gone are the lazy days of reading in the hammock, watercolors, watching DVR'd episodes of Lawrence Welk and Food Network and doing our morning yoga. Although these times are so precious to us and will be dearly missed, we are also ready for a great school year and the boys are definitely ready to see their friends again and be back in the routine of school life.
I am looking forward to some quiet times just the little Otto and I. I certainly remember my sweet times with each of my older ones just taking them for long walks in the park or just sitting quietly to watch them play ~ I am looking forward to those times, just Othniel and I.
In other news ~ I received an unexpected email last week from an editor at Better Homes and Gardens Magazine asking if I would send them some bow ties from Itty Smitty to use in a photo shoot that took place this week. How could I pass that up? I quickly packaged up those sweet little boys bow ties and shipped them out the next day. I am hoping they make "the cut" for the featured article. I'll keep you posted...