A clean kitchen table is a rarity in this home...so I just had to take a picture; for memory sake, ya know?
Usually it is a heaping pile of creativity. Sewing machine, needle cushions, loads of fabric, cutting board, scissors, and patterns are mixed in with coloring books, markers, more scissors, and glue.
But my back has been acting up more and more these days and although I can't fully attribute it to sewing, I don't think the sewing is helping it much. I have a few unfinished orders that need to come together, but for this week, the table is clean. The boys still pull out the craft supplies but I think they too are appreciating the "new" look of the kitchen area and have been cleaning up after each days craft time.
This makes me long even more for a sewing studio where I can leave my stuff scattered around and close the door. I don't particularly enjoy turning our eating area into work studio but for now I am ok with it and just finding the blessing in having a space to work and be close to the boys throughout the day.
So since sewing is taking a backseat, I have had a few days to play catch-up on some other things. Things like putting together a box full of goodies for my sweet friend, Jen, who lives in Papua New Guinea with her hubby and 2 boys. Oh how I love sending her packages in the mail!
I also have had time to pull out my favorite dream notebook and start writing down some future ideas, dreams, and thoughts. Do you have one of these? I love looking back and seeing all of the ideas Mike and I have had over the years. Business ideas, home decor ideas, vacation plans and family goals. I treasure it.
Ezra starting writing his letters this week. That has been a huge deal for him. Its thrilling to see him so proud of his accomplishments! He has been the sneaky one all of these months. I have been helping him learn the letters for a while now but he has acted very nonchalant about it all ~ very disinterested. Last week he pulled out a piece of paper and asked me how to spell "bang" (we were going to watch Chitty Chitty Bang Bang later that night). I told him the letters and he promptly started writing them down. Mind you, he has never written a letter on paper before this point. That stinker.