Thanks everyone for the uplifting and encouraging comments left on my last blog post. Its definitely nice to know that I am not the only mama out there with those days.
Did I ever mention that I hurt my back last year? A gym injury has sidelined me from my usual daily workouts and as of late has kept me from long car drives (one of my favorite past times). Chiropractic care and physical therapy have done nothing so this week I will head in for an MRI to see just what is causing all of this trouble.
Because of this, I had to miss a fun outing with Mike and the boys to see a production of Cinderella at Jenny Wiley Theater. I was really bummed about that. Little Otto and I stayed here and although I wanted to not be here, I actually was able to get caught up on alot of sewing projects and orders that had been piling up.
You may ask, "don't you sit to sew?" Well the answer to that would be, no. After my back injury I started sewing standing up at our butcher block kitchen island. It took some getting used to but actually I quite enjoy it now. I get alot done more quickly when I am able to move between the ironing board, the sewing machine, and the cutting board without getting up and down constantly. (This reminds me of an article I read once stating that Donald Rumsfeld never sits down to work. He always works at his computer standing.)
I finished a couple of aprons that will be sent off and a little clutch made of vintage fabrics for a bride to carry on her wedding day in August.
Onto a couple of baby quilts and hopefully some lounge pants for the boys to wear this fall. What projects are you tackling nowadays?