A few weeks ago we had some major flooding. This picture was taken from the bridge by our house (our yard is just through those trees). The water finally subsided but we definitely weren't able to enjoy our backyard like we usually do in the spring. Now that it is summer, the mosquitoes are out and boy do they love Canaan and I. Here's hoping for a nice fall to be able to get back to outdoor life.
The boys are growing up. Otto is a little over 3 months old now. He's sleeping like a champ through the night (both other boys didn't sleep through the night till nearly a year old!). Ezra, the unpredictable one, keeps us on our toes. Last night he was riding his bike up and down the side walk popping wheelies all along the way.He has it in him to make people laugh and has discovered that he can make his older brother laugh by saying words like "poopie" and "pee" and things of that nature. We are trying to nip that in the bud before he heads to preschool this fall.
"Good luck with that", I tell myself.
We made handmade paper for the first time last weekend. It was a fun family project and although we definitely haven't perfected the skill, I think we will certainly try it again soon. Any ideas out there on what to do with our new handmade paper?
After our trip to the holler, Nan sent us home with a bag full of peas. I dumped them on the table and asked the boys to help me shell them so we could make pea soup. I was thrilled to see them dive in and shell every last one of them (with a couple of play breaks between). The pea soup, a Barefoot Contessa recipe, was easy to make and full of flavor.