I sometimes get frustrated when people see the work I do, whether sewing, painting, cooking, etc..., and say that it just comes naturally to me. I strongly disagree with that train of thought. Every creative endeavor I pursue takes hours,days, weeks, and years of practice. I have chosen to make creativity a habit in my life. I have chosen to tap into my creativity (that we all have) and pursue it further. I made loads of mistakes but I keep pursuing. I get burned out sometimes, but I keep pursuing. I do so because without developing my creativity and actively engaging in it, I surely wouldn't be nearly the wife, mother, friend, mentor, or child of God that I am meant to be.
Recently, I have some super special gals that have a common mind in this whole area. We all have busy schedules yet make time to meet together over a cup of coffee and encourage, inspire, and challenge one another. We don't all have the same creative pursuits ~in fact they are quite different from one another, yet the common thread of purposely choosing to take risks creatively brings us together.
So I thought I'd leave you this weekend with a couple of inspiring ladies.
My sweet friend, Morgan, has just launched a new site called Morgan Day Cecil. It is incredibly inspiring and challenging. I am especially excited about her article on writing your manifesto~ I need to do that. Heather over at Shivaya Naturals also talked on it as well this week.

I am also enamored and awe struck by the gorgeous photography by Sarah Beaty. She is a wife, a mama, and a smart business gal who owns Eyeris Photography in Nashville. Just look at those photos. If you are within 100 miles of Nashville, you simply must book her. She's amazing.

What are your thoughts in this area of creativity?
P.S. Our adventures with Backseat Traveler have been many in recent weeks. You can see what we've been up to over here.