Canaan made us some ultra delicious chocolate chip cookies last night. Not really in my get-into-shape-post-baby diet but I ate them nonetheless.
Kristi over at Giggles Down Under has a terrific little thing going called "A Happy Package", sending out little packages to blog readers from time to time. I love the idea, and asked if I could host my own little gig over here too.
So here's how it goes; Sign up over on the right hand side for the newsletter. You will automatically have your name in the hat for a uber-fantastic little package in the mail from me. Once a month or so I will randomly select one of my blog readers to win. If your name is selected, I will contact you for your mailing address and within days you will have a little something in the mail from me!
Sound like fun? I hope so, because I certainly am having fun planning out the first package to mail~