In the midst of the grogginess of the day we seem to be managing nonetheless. I am not back to sewing yet but have been taking a few minutes each day to cut patterns for future sewing projects.
I am not looking forward to next week when life really gets back to normal (i.e. dad heads back to work).

For now I will gladly enjoy having an extra set of hands to help change diapers, make Ezra's lunch, throw in a load of laundry, and clean up bowls after breakfast.

(click here to see the new shop)
In other news, I have finally launched a little online Etsy store. Previously I sold on Big Cartel but for the most part, all that I have made in the past I have sold to shops locally or through custom orders. From all that I have heard and read from other Etsy sellers (even the top sellers), making your first sales can take months. I am not too stressed about it. I am thankful to have a loyal cliental here locally although having an additional business online would be great too!