18 February 2010

Canaan's Marshmallow Debut

After weeks of waiting, a full page article about Canaan and his marshmallow endeavors came out in the Lexington Herald Leader.
Mike woke up at the crack of dawn, braved the wintry roads, and brought home a paper (and a venti Starbucks coffee) for us to read before Canaan headed to school.
He was slightly overwhelmed by it, I think. When I asked him if he wanted to take it to school and show his friends, he declined. He said he thought it was pretty cool but kind of weird to be in the paper. I told him one day he'll be very proud of it...just as we are today.
You can read it online here

I hadn't even considered the press that would come from this but after a couple of hours at the mall with Ezra, I came home to an inbox full of messages from readers and orders placed for marshmallows to be shipped around the country. Looks like we'll be busy!

(If you are interested in seeing his company page, you can click on the link to the right of this page.)