(Click here for a complete look at this years designs)
I finished yet another order for a shop recently. It is headed up to Louisville this week. I do love to create, when time allows, and it seems this year afforded alot of time for creating. I was able to squeeze in power sewing sessions during Ezra's daily naptime and occasionally after the boys headed to bed in the evenings.
As insane as I am about finishing projects~ I believe it is really important to not let these endeavors take away from the flow of what is going on in our home. There have been days I wanted to sew right through dinner to get an apron or handbag done but it is far more important that my family not resent the sight of my sewing machine nor that I take away from the precious fleeting moments that I have at home with the boys...there will be many years for sewing when the boys are grown, right?
With that said, I am so thankful that Mike and the boys not only put up with, but encourage my creativity. Equally we encourage Mike's creativity in his home renovations, beer making, and writing. We encourage Canaan's creativity in his cooking and baking, his entrepreneurial dreams, and his paintings. And we encourage Ezra's creativity in his imaginative stories, his break dancing, and his choices in daily soccer outfits.