04 December 2009

Alrighty Then...

A couple of days ago we put up our Christmas tree. Like most years over half of our Christmas light strands didn't work so we decided to abort the tree decorating until I could go buy more lights.
So for 2 days now Ezra has taken it upon himself to decorate the tree for us. This includes his pajamas, dixie cups from the bathroom, books, DVD's, his toothpaste (that he uses each night and then places back on the tree), game pieces, candy, etc...
He takes alot of pride in his decorating ability and although it is quite hilarious and charming, I am not sure if we will be able to convince him to take the toothpaste out so we can put Christmas ornaments up.

He also has started apologizing for things he may do in the future. For example, last night he came downstairs and said "I'm sorry" (in his most pitiful tone). We asked him why and he said "I'm sorry that I am going to use a sharp knife to break the big window downstairs someday." (mind you this is in the cutest little 3 year old sqeaky bedtime voice ever). Oh Ezra...you are always giving us something to chuckle (and slightly worry) about.