25 August 2009

Quiet Time

This past weekend was absolutely beautiful here in Lexington. The weather was unseasonably cool and unseasonably cool weather equals one happy mama! Canaan is fully aware of this fact. Each time we have a cool, overcast day he says "ooh, mommy, its your favorite weather!" Indeed there is an extra spring in my step on days like those. On both Saturday and Sunday morning I went out onto the deck and snuggled up on the Adirondack chair with a quilt, tea, and some quiet time Bible reading. In every other season, this is an almost daily occurrence, but in the summer the sun is already beating down and the mosquitoes are out before I can get out there.
The mug in the photo is a mug that Mike and the boys made me for Mothers Day this year. They went to Starbucks and got to use some special pens to draw on the mug and write sweet little messages. I love it.
The quilt is very simple yet special to our home. It was the first sewing project I ever did~EVER~ and I made as a gift for Mike while we were dating.