Part of our "down time" is due to the slow pace our summers usually take on. But this year our summer has taken on a particularly lazy feel becuase of another reason...I am pregnant!
A couple of months ago we found out we are having another little one in our family. As stunned as we were, we are so thrilled. Unfortunately pregnancies don't like me too much~ lots of nausea, puking, tiredness, and so on.... It has been this way with each pregnancy~usually up to the last day. Ugh...
I have tried all of those supposed remedies out there...all with no avail. I have the prescriptions too which I try to avoid as much as possible unless it all becomes a bit too much (like last Monday's throwing up every hour from morning till night).
But despite the sickness, in the end it is well worth it to have another precious life in our family.
The due date is estimated at the end of February~given my two time record for being well overdue, I suspect I'll deliver at the beginning of March.
I hope to be back in a routine of blogging once Canaan returns to school at the end of the month. Until then, posts may be sporatic at best....