Today I turn 31.
My 30th year was a great one.
Full of unexpected twists and turns, and yet I felt at peace knowing God had precisely orchestrated each part.
I don't have a birthday wish list this year.
As cliche as it sounds, this girl has been given the best gifts already. A husband and children that adore me and accept me for who I am and enable me to live my life to the fullest. I have a Father in Heaven that adores me even more.
We bought our first home this year; a dreamy little cottage; and each night I get
to lay my head on the biggest, softest pillowtop mattress ever!
I wake up each morning with my cup of coffee and smoothie and indulge most nights with a glass of red wine.
My husband is my best friend and we spend hours talking and dreaming together.
So really~ in the grand scheme of things~ I couldn't even imagine what to ask for.
BUT if anyone feels generous; I am still hoping for a couple of chickens :)
My only hope is to end this birthday with homemade pizza, cookies, and some family cuddle time on the couch (and maybe a few episodes of Gilmore Girls thrown in there somewhere during pizza and cookies!)