10 June 2009


This weekend we packed up early Saturday morning and headed out on a drive to Shaker Village. A winding 45 minute drive is all it takes to get to this little gem from our home. Martha Stewart has called Shaker Village her favorite place to visit in the US. There are only 2 remaining Shaker villages in the world. One in Maine and one here in Kentucky.
We have lived here for nearly 5 years and I can't believe we haven't taken time to go until now. Well...for one, it has an admission charge to go into the buildings and we are fairly anti-admission charges most of the time. But what we hadn't realized is that you can still walk the streets of the village and take in all of its serenity and beauty for free! It is the buildings you pay to go in to. I still really want Mike to take me on a date there someday. They have a hotel and a restaurant and I would love to go sans kids to listen to the oral history that the tour guides share and to take it in for all of its quietness and calmness.

Anyhow, we went there to go fishing in the village pond. The parks and recreation dept. were offering a free fishing day so needless to say, we weren't the only ones out there. Nonetheless, we found a gorgeous shade tree that we sat under for the day while the boys fished, climbed trees, watched ducks, and read cookbooks with me.
Mike unfortunately was stuck adding bait (worms) to the hooks quite often as the boys would loose theirs in the pond or a fish would take a nibble.

Besides the slight craziness that comes with taking a 6 year old boy and a 2 year old boy anywhere, we had a great day. Canaan and Ezra learned how to play marbles and Canaan made his own rope.

We are now planning to make trips there often~especially since it is free family fun.