Dear Canaan,
You are an official kindergarten graduate today! My how this year has flown! It seems like just last week I was blogging about your first day of school. The week leading up to your first day I teared up daily thinking about you growing up and heading off into the big world. Just thinking about you leaving the protection of my wing for 7 hours a day sent me into minor panic attacks. And on the night before your first day I cried huge crocodile tears while your daddy encouraged me that you would be ok.
That first day you walked off to school with your dad and I stood on the porch watching you leave. You got almost to the next yard over when you turned around and said "I love you mommy". That moment was so sweet and will be etched in my memory for life.
This has been a great year for you. I truly couldn't have imagined how quickly you would learn and grow. You went to school knowing only letters, not yet reading words. Last week your teachers sent home a letter saying you are now reading on a
4th grade level! You love to read and do it with such enthusiasm and excitement.
When you went to kindergarten you knew 1+1=2. Now you are literally blowing us away with your math skills. You can do multiplication in your head and you endlessly ask us for math questions while driving in the car. While most kids are watching Sponge Bob, one of your favorite shows is NOVA on PBS.
But above the academic skills, I am even more proud of the young man you are becoming. Each of your teachers now gets to see what we have always seen. A respectful, helpful, honest, upbeat, thoughtful, hardworking boy. You are wise beyond your years, Canaan.
Last week we sat at a restaurant that was showing some cartoons on a nearby TV. The cartoons weren't very "kid friendly" but I didn't say anything. Before our meals even arrived you asked if you could switch seats with Daddy so you didn't have to watch the show. You said it didn't look like something you needed to watch. I was so proud that you made that decision for yourself.
You even started a company this year! "The Marshmallows Company" was officially started in March after your dreaming and planning for 2 years.
My heart overflows with love for you. This year has been an incredible year for you. You have learned lessons in friendship with the boys in your class and you have learned to discipline yourself to do homework when it first is assigned (even though you have a week to finish it). You continually amaze us.
Next year will be a great year as well. You have an amazing chance to attend a prestigious private school here in town. The school is giving you a grant to attend which is an enormous blessing God has given.
We are excited to see
you as excited as you are to go there. You will have an educational opportunity that many kids do not have. I know you will do your best and enjoy your time there as much as you enjoy each day to the fullest already.
We love you beyond words. Happy Graduation Day!