29 May 2009

Tents and Picnics

School is almost out for our litle boy. My how time flies! It feels like only weeks ago that I was blogging about sending him off for his first day of school. Today the kindergarten classes had a picnic lunch and Mike, Ezra and I sat with him in the warm May sun while we ate and mingled with the kids and parents.

Before we left I found Ezra laying in his "tent" in the living room with a headband flashlight on, reading books. The headband flashlight later became just a headband he wanted to wear but insisted on leaving the flashlight on so it would shine off the side of his head.

This weekend we'll find lots of fun things to do, I am sure. There is a church fair in town we may make a trip to, campfires to be built in the backyard, and friends to spend time with.