26 May 2009


After a bit of an absence, I am back. We took a quick trip to Miami (just the hubby and I) for a nice vacation last week.
Now we're back and haven't stopped since. Lots of outdoor play in the summer weather (what happened to spring?) Anyhow, gardening, swinging, water guns,campfires in the backyard, and grilling have been on the agenda from morning till night around here.

A few weeks back we all sat around the kitchen table and each painted a spring tree picture. Even Ezra was able to get in on the action! Each season we'll do one, I think. I absolutely love how they turned out.
I got the idea here
The frames are from Ikea ($2 or so a frame) I used the cardboard backing from the frame as the matte around the picture. El Cheapo and oh so much fun!