Oh how we love our backyard. For years we wanted to buy a home. We looked at hundreds of homes over 10 years...hundreds. We were heartbroken at times when some homes that we had our hearts set on fell through for certain reasons (termites, mold, price, etc...)
But God has so richly blessed us with our little gem. I am thankful each day for this great home to raise our kids in. I am so thankful for the previous owners who so lovingly took care of this place and planted such wonderful ferns, hostas, peonies, ornamental grasses, and trees that make it such a gorgeous outdoor living experience for us.
This weekend we did our "spring cleaning" outdoors. We wiped down the white covered porch that gets dirty throughout the winter. Mike used the chainsaw to cut down the remaining of the branches that were damaged this year in the ice storm. We painstakingly weeded the gardens (3 down and one to go) and planted so many veggies and fruits. The zucchini, yellow squash, green beans, lettuce, spinach, cantaloupe, tomatoes, strawberries, peppers, and herbs have all been planted in the past few weeks.
Even Mike's peach tree that he planted a year ago has about 2 dozen little ping pong ball sized peaches on it!
The boys played in the sprinkler and had such a fun time cleaning right along side us. Canaan has been picking up extra chores to make money for the little 7 year old boy we are financially and prayerfully supporting in India through UMA. He dilligently scrubbed the porch and even cleaned all of the outdoor furniture from pollen without being asked. What an amazing boy he is!
Ezra kept us laughing all weekend long. He is so incredibly animated and hilarious...holy cow, what a great soul he is.
The other highlight of the weekend was the discovery of our long lost walkie talkies. Canaan and Mike talked all day long on those. Mike even got his to work from the grocery store a half mile away which Canaan found to be absolutely hilarious!