I love the dollar bins at Michaels! Truly you can find some great stuff. I picked up some new ribbon. I use brown paper for wrapping gifts. I let the boys draw pictures and I also write directly on the paper "to" and "from". I like to dress up the brown paper with a bit of ribbon too :) I also found these cute note cards that simply say, "hello".
At a thrift store in Milwaukee I found this great little vintage book called "838 Ways to Amuse a Child". Its full of crafts and ideas for keeping kids entertained.
And at $.49 it can't be passed up!
At a thrift store in Cincinnati this weekend I found this great bowl for $2. I totally am loving the shape, size, and color. Now I am going to be on the hunt for more. I am sure there must be more pastel colors out there!
I had to head to Target last night for toilet paper (holy cow~ why is toilet paper $13????) Anyhow, while there I found these little bars. I am always looking for something healthy to keep in the car to snack on and these have some yummy nutrients and no sugar (just agave nectar). And at $2.50 not too bad of a price either!