Lots of traveling (Milwaukee and Cincinnati), outdoor play in the gorgeous spring weather (which has now turned back to winter for a few days), and some sewing.
Yesterday my friend Reika and I went to the park to take some pictures of some things I have made. I stopped by Street Scene and grabbed a few things of mine from there and we headed out for a little photo shoot. I have been wanting to do this for a while. Eventually I'd like to update my "Itty Smitty" website and have photos for it. Also I want to do a catalog of sorts for Street Scene.
Anyhow, here's one of the photos from the day...
I'll hopefully be more diligent about posting, also I hope to be more diligent about cooking dinner this week too! Its hard coming off a vacation where we eat with friends or at restaurants day after day to have to come home and cook again (even though I adore cooking!).