The bright colors, full skirts, fun dresses and sandals...oh the cute sandals!
But in an attempt to get our finances in order in 2009 I haven't been shopping much lately.
So I turned to my closet for inspiration. Yesterday I started looking through what I had and what I could "improve" on to make my existing wardrobe work for me.
2 items came out of the closet and over to my sewing machine~
1. a super cute dress I bought last year at Macy's. I found it in the jr. department and I was immediately drawn to the unique orangy/yellow color and the fun collar. It was $4 on clearance so I picked it up knowing FULL WELL it was way too short for my 5'10" frame. It is WAY too hoochy mama short for me. I have tried wearing it with jeans and I just can't pull off that look.
2. another clearance shirt that I gravitated to. It was a 75% off shirt from Target. It reminded me of an Anthropologie top I had purchased once. I love the floral pattern and the slight puffed sleeves. Unfortunately it was a size L and way too wide on the sides. It also had a waist band which made it seem even wider.
So I took both of these items and grabbed out my favorite fitting Anthropologie top. I turned the dress and shirt inside out and traced out my favorite fitting shirt (with a 1/2" allowance), cut them out, and quickly sewed them into their new shape. I pressed the bottom edge up and ran a stitch along that as well.
I am COMPLETELY thrilled that both dress and large shirt are perfectly fitting shirts similar to my favorite Anthropologie one. And seriously both took me about 15 minutes.
I saw this cute dress in Garnet Hill catalog. This would be so simple to make!!! I am planning on making a couple of these for this summer.

And oh...these I adore these shoes. Unfortunately I have no leather shoe making skills and my budget isn't going to allow for these beauties but I will drool nonetheless. (Both are from

Are any of you making some spring clothes? Finding any good sales?