(Our favorite bakery in downtown. It is over 80 years old and run by the same family. It is right across the street from the thrift store and we always make a stop for chocolate eclairs..yummo!)
After 6 straight hours of shopping and an hour stop for some good diner Cincinnati chili, we had made it to 5 of them.
(a 3-way which is spaghetti noodles, chili, and cheese. Served with oyster crackers.)
We found LOTS of goodies!!! A like new North Face coat for $1.25, a Patagonia kids coat for $.99, some amazing lighting for our bedroom remodel that is coming soon!, some good stuff for my Peddlers Mall booth, a dry erase board that I desperately needed for my little booth, and one of those cool metal school pencil sharpeners that used to attach to the teachers desk for $3. Remember those? We always lose or break those small plastic ones so I was completely thrilled to find that metal one!
Most of all it was fun to be able to go run around town without 2 boys in tow. As much fun as we have with them, it is vital to our sanity and overall health to have time away from them every once in a while.
With that said, I have been cooped up in the house with them for 2 days straight while the snow and ice continue to fall...this is cause for some major cabin fever.