05 January 2009

This and That...

Not much to report from here. We had a nice weekend up at Ikea on Saturday and at church on Sunday. Last night I went to the auction and scored a combo weed eater/ tiller/ leaf blower for a fraction of the price in stores. We have been wanting a tiller for our garden so with spring right around the corner, it was perfect timing!

In other spending news, Mike sold his candle making supplies and has decided to try his hand at homebrew beer. So after some research, he has purchased a few supplies. I don't know really if it will save us any money in the end~but I guess thats not really the idea here~. I think it will cost about $40 for 55 bottles of beer. He is going to try a Bock beer first which will take 6 weeks to ferment.

I am really wanting to try my hand at cheesemaking. I looked for a good book at our library without success which means I will have to purchase one on Amazon. Have any of you tried cheesemaking?

Canaan is off to school again today (sad face, sniffles...from me). He is excited to head back but I always miss him when he is gone.

I'll leave you today with a little picture I save and often look at. This is what Mike and I would consider a dreamy home to have someday.