I have been sewing up a storm lately. I just took a batch of stuff up to Street Scene (the awesome shop I sell at). On Monday I took 10 reversible vintage fabric headbands, 2 aprons, and a throw pillow. Yesterday I made 4 pairs of Amy Butler's wide leg lounge pants, and yesterday I finished up a quilt that has been in the wings for months and 7 linen applique bibs.

Sewing has been intermingled with the rest of life--it hasn't been my life, by any means! Here is a typical schedule nowdays...
7:10am- wake Canaan up for school; breakfast, getting dressed, etc...
7:35am- get Canaan off to school
7:35-8:00- check email and try to post on my blog without success (the pics wouldn't load)
8:00-8:45 - pick up random clothes and shoes from the night before. Get dressed for the gym and get Ezra dressed.
9:00- Dance!Dance! class at the gym for 45 minutes. Its a hip hop dance class. So much fun and very humbling to realize I will not ever be a memeber of Britney Spears music videos.
10:00- leave the gym, grab a few bagels to bring home for the family.
10:45- Ezra eats an early lunch and so do I.
11:00- Ezra lays down for a nap and I start in on sewing the lounge pants.
12:00- Ezra wakes up (too soon) from his nap and plays in his room for another hour--coming downstairs every few minutes to discuss what he is playing with me while I sew.
2:00- I wrap up sewing for now. Ezra watched a movie and played, and talked with me from 1-2.
2:00-2:30- get dressed in layers and bundle up to go walk to get Canaan from school in the 20 degree weather.
2:45-3:15- get Canaan a snack and get him changed for tennis lessons across town.
4-5pm- tennis
5:30-7:00- dinner with Mike and the boys
7:30- boys in bed
7:30-8:30- finish up the lounge pants and go grab a quick shower
8:30-11pm- watching LOST! Usually we don't spend 2 1/2 hrs on the couch at night, but watching the premier of Lost was so much fun!! I love that show...
11:00-12- pack Canaan's lunch, pick up around the house from the day, and fall into bed.
So there it is, a day in the life. I don't have any major projects lined up for this week. I think it will be a catch up day with laundry, cooking, playing, and calling friends.