(in the background you can still see the kitchen remodel in progress.....never ending progress)
Its been a week of comforts. After a month of traveling in December I find I rarely want to leave home. I am seriously bringing the song "take it easy" to heart. We've been eating lots of meals I had stuck in the freezer in the past few months which means barely any pots or pans or dishes to wash. I have slowed myself down to a snails pace (for me--I think this might be normal speed for some) which has given me time to just sit in front of the fire and read for a while, sew a bit, embroider, do crafts with Ezra, read lots of books with the boys, and re-watch season one of Gilmore Girls at night.
Ahhh....its been AMAZING. Much needed and thoroughly enjoyed. But all the same my brain is already getting things in order for next week because I am ready to start tackling some projects in this new year.
My top list of comforts this week:
~ Having a big pot of hot cocoa on the stove waiting for Canaan when he gets home from school.
~ Curled up with my tattered old quilt on the tattered old couch (1930's) watching Lorelai and Rory spend their days in Stars Hollow. (ok, I will take this moment to say that if you have never been introduced to Gilmore Girls, you are seriously missing out.)
~ Listening to Fernando Ortega. His voice is amazing and is comfort food for my ears.
~ Reading my Bible for longer stints than 5 minutes at a time.
~ Embroidering linen scraps to make ornaments for our tree next year.