Today is our 10 year anniversary. I can't believe we have been married 10 years! So much has happened in that time. We have lived all over the US and traveled around the world to the remotest of tribal villages.
We have climbed the Great Wall, surfed in Hawaii, explored the quaint streets of Quebec City and Sydney, Australia. We have built our own bamboo house in the woods of Mississippi, moved to Maryland for one day (yes, just one day). We've done ministry together, impacted hundreds of lives and learned from many more. We have had our struggles and fights yet always manage to come out on the other side laughing together.
We enjoy our bottomless cups of morning coffee, listen to music endlessly, dream big dreams tirelessly, and love each other deeper than I ever thought was imaginable.
We have had beautiful children together.
We are best friends.
We often say we are going to go on welfare just so we can spend more time together.
We were married 10 years ago in our apartment on Cochran Avenue. It was a cold wintry night and we huddled in our small red living room with just our family as witnesses and our friend as the photographer. We ate cake from our favorite French bakery just down the street. I wore a dress made for me by my mother-in-law and carried a bouquet of flowers my mom arranged for me.
It was intimate, serene, thoughtful and absolutely perfect.
One day in college my friend Allison and I were in the maintenance office doing work detail. We were chatting about our potential future husbands (we were single at the time) and what the qualities we look for in that special guy. We wrote them out and decided to hold onto each others and mail them to each other when we got married to see how they matched up to our "qualifications". A couple of years later I was married and had totally forgotten about "the list". Alison held up her end of the bargain and mailed me my list.
Here's what mine said:
Megan's man: Taller, Older (Mike is 4 years older), interactive, thoughtful/creative in the little things, humble/teachable, Spiritual leader/influential, spontaneous/adventurous, romantic, intellectual conversationalist, genuine prayer life, ministry minded, dark hair
I was amazed that every quality I wanted and prayed for was fulfilled in Mike. Cheezy, yet true...
He is the guy that finishes my sewing projects for me when I just can't take another minute. He will go out and buy a late night bottle of wine for me when he knows it has been "one of those days". He will light candles and make me a warm bath while I put the kids to bed. He takes his shoes off at the door even if he is just coming in for a minute just because he knows it makes me happy. He is incredibly patient with me and believes in me. He is really just one amazing husband!
We can't wait for atleast another 70 together. We always said we'd have atleast 80 years :)
Happy Anniversary Mike.