15 December 2008

Memories of a trip

~Watching endless hours of Food Network in the hotel room with the boys. Between time at the pool, adventures around the resort, and shopping at the outlets we'd crash in the hotel room and catch up on Ina, Sandra Lee, Emeril, and Paula.

~Sitting pool side listening to the Christmas music on the speakers at the hotel.

~Having a great brunch with my dear friend, Freedom and her new little baby, Rio. Catching up with Freedom is always a treat and always ends too quickly.

~Spending quality time with Grandpa and Grandma in St Augustine.

~Enjoying watching Canaan play in the pool. In Lexington we rarely go swimming so its always a treat to get to swim in the pool. It was so fun watching Canaan and Ezra have a blast day after day.

~Visiting our church family down in Orlando where we used to live. We miss everyone so much and especially miss sitting under the teaching of Mark.

~Having a few hours to spend with our precious friends Peter and Crystal and their children. They mean the world to us and our hearts our sad that we can't live closer to them.

~Taking the boys to the old carousel in downtown St Augustine where my parents live and watching the Christmas parade on the streets of the oldest city.

~Sewing late into the night with my kindred spirit Kristie. Lots of stories, laughs and fun. My how I miss her already!

~Coming home 2 days early to enjoy some family time at home before Mike goes back to work.