Mike and I decided to not buy one another gifts this year so we can save our money towards a 10 year anniversary trip this year.
I couldn't bear not giving Mike anything so on Christmas Eve day I whipped out this cover for his bedside Bible. It is made with linen and cotton and has a bit of freezer paper stenciling going on.
Here's how I did it:
1. Measure your book or Bible.
-Measure the front cover from top to bottom. Add 1 ½ inches to that measurement and write it down.
-Measure it from front to back. Start at the outer edge of the front cover and measure across the front cover. Keep it going around the binding and across the back cover to its outer edge.
-Add 6 ½ inches to that measurement and write it down. This will give you 3 inch flaps for the front and back covers to tuck into
2. At this point you can cut a pattern from a grocery bag or you can chance it by just cutting the fabric. I usually chance it.
3. Choose 2 different fabics. I used linen for the outer shell and cotton for the inside.
4. Cut out both fabric choices to measured size.
5. At this point you can add any embellishment to the outer fabic choice that you want. I did a freezer paper stencil of a tree as well as an appliqué stripe on the cover.
6. Once you have the cover designed the way you want, now it is time to assemble.
7. Place right sides of the fabric together.
8. Sew together, leaving a small place to flip the fabric through. Iron and then top stitch the cover and the inner shell.
9. Now you will measure 3 ¼ inch flaps on either side with the cover facing you. Pin in place and sew the top and bottom short sides (not the long side)
10. Flip them after sewing and iron flat.
11. Top stitch the top and bottom edges so they don’t turn up.
12. Now you are finished! Congratulations on making your Bible or book cover!