The boys have had fun playing with Christmas toys and Mike and I have been cleaning out flower beds, tending to the yard, and organizing the garage on these semi-warm days.
I have much on my mind but pictures will have to do for now...
This is the state of our house this week...and it feels right.
The boys were playing on pieces of our kitchen's subflooring that has been laying in the backyard for over a month now. Very Beverly Hillbillies. I am happy to report that the flooring has finally been taken to the curb awaiting trash day.
Canaan said he was sick of smelling the wild onions that grew around his swing and decided to dig them up. He also made $1.90 that day picking up trash around the yard. We paid him $.10 per piece of trash he found laying around. At the end of the day we counted it up and made him figure out 19 times 10 so he'd know his pay for the day.
A glimpse of our hardwood kitchen floor that we are painting. Tonight we will add the pattern. Only a few more weeks and then I'll finally be able to show you the finished kitchen. You're excited aren't you? I know we are!