This week has been computer-less (kind of a nice thing at times :). We are back online and it has been a whirlwind of a week. Here's a recap:
Canaan and I went on a morning date to our favorite little bakery in town called "Le Matin". Totally French and amazingly good. Canaan really wanted a mini chocolate cake for his "breakfast" and we brought back Ezra and Daddy some yummy croissants.
After that we headed to Lowes to get some paint for the kitchen and ended up finding a $275 vanity for the bathroom (a bathroom re-do is in order someday in the future) for $25! I love a good deal...
Speaking of a good deal. After a couple month delay I made it back to my favorite auction house for a Sunday afternoon auction.
I love, love, love going to auctions! This week I won a dresser ($10), 2 upholstered chairs ($10 for both) and a wingback chair and lamp ($5). I'll paint the dresser and sell it. I'll sell the chairs and the lamp as well. Our house has become somewhat of a revolving furniture store of sorts!
The week:
My beloved yellow tree is loosing its leaves. So, so sad. The boys had fun playing with their cousin and making a leaf pool by putting the leaves into our empty hole in the ground where the koi pond used to be (we need to fill that in next spring.) They would run and jump into their leaf pool with such excitement!
The kitchen remodel continues. Mike has been working so hard doing little thing (and big things) to get the job done. I had found a really cool door that used to be in a nunnery that I wanted as our back door.
It was too big so Mike had to cut it down to size. So for one cold 30 degree night, we had just the storm door up and a quilt.
There is HOPE that we are going to install the hardwood this weekend. Woo hoo!!!!
So that about wraps it up. Lots of life stuff in there as well. Great times in discipleship with our college students, time as a family, church stuff, a trip to Florida coming up soon and planning some fun things with friends for the holidays....we love it all!