There was a family reunion, a trip to the mountains, more house projects, more craft projects, fun times with the boys, opening a Peddlers Mall booth, working on a new set design for the church stage, going apple picking with friends, and leading our weekly college girls book study. Whew!
So let me tell you about this Peddlers Mall booth! A Peddlers Mall is a large place that is somewhat like an antique mall/craft mall/flea market. There are several here in Kentucky I have been hoping to sell in a cute town called Georgetown. Well the waiting list was 200 people long and I have been on the list for over a year and a half! Last week a friend of mine from church that sells at the Georgetown Peddlers Mall finally was able to upgrade from a single to a double booth so she offered me her single booth. It was really sudden (I had one day notice to move my stuff in) but I jumped at the chance. So now, I am the proud renter of my very own Peddlers Mall booth!
I pay a monthly rent and don't have to actually be there to sell my stuff. The Mall hires its own staff to run the place. I just go once a week or so to maintain my booth and re-stock. For now, I am selling just things I already had here. Things I had purchased at auction for my house that we are no longer using, crafty things I have made, little odds and ends, etc... I have already sold about $80 worth which means within 4 days I have almost covered my rent cost for the month.
I think it will be a fun venture and one that won't take too much time. I hope it allows me to make some extra money on the side that we can use towards bills, vacation to see grandma and grandpa, fun outing with the boys, etc...
Now without further ado.......