I seem to be in a fog lately. The weather has turned cold and I am in "hunker down" mode. Its HARD to motivate myself to go to the gym when its 40 degrees outside. I'd rather keep my pajamas on and have a cup of coffee close by.
I love the fact that I am able to wear sweaters on a consistant basis now! I have a really basic wardrobe so I love to mix and match all the time. Layering is essential in my book and my new favorite wardrobe addition this year is my Seven For All Mankind Skinny Jeans I got at Gabriel Brothers for $3....yes, this is not a misprint...$3 brand new (these jeans are normally $200). Anyhow, I wear them all the time. They go great with riding boots overtop or with a pair of kitten heels.
For those of you wondering, my first month in the Peddlers Mall is going great! I made my $120 rent within the first two weeks so these last 2 weeks of sales have been profit. With the economy the way it is I am surprised I am selling anything at all. So I am very grateful and excited to have a little side thing going to generate some much needed income for the family.
The biggest bummer lately has been that our kitchen has made NO progress. I am hoping by Christmas to have it finished. We have a few big projects getting in the way of us finishing smaller ones. The problem is there is no time to do bigger projects--only smaller ones. Hmmm....