24 October 2008

The Outdoors Call...

Mike has been away on a business trip until last night. That left the boys and I here to enjoy the beautiful weather alone (boo hoo). We made the best of it by going to the University's Arboretum a couple of days ago. We explored through the gardens, took the scarecrow walk for Halloween, and played around the fields. It was a bit nippy outside but the sun was out and it was a gorgeous fall afternoon.

This weekend is supposed to be wet and cold. Hopefully that means getting some work done on the house!

On a side note. I am day 3 without white sugar or white flour. I think I am supposed to feel better by doing this, right?? Well I don't! It totally sucks not having a brownie or a pumpkin spice latte.
No reason for the elimination really. Sometimes I get the urge to do things like that. Its a good way to stay disciplined, atleast thats what I tell myself when I want that latte...